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Life Changer “The conscious principles of successful people”

Online via Zoom: 16 April – 28 April 2021

Based on Hunyuan Qi Therapy and Zhineng Qigong Science gain new inspiration and explore the power of your consciousness to shift, transform, create and evolve towards the life you love


Part of Life Changer: Towards the life you love!

Based on Hunyuan Qi Therapy and Zhineng Qigong Science gain new inspiration to move towards the life you love!


Previous Life Changer Participants share their experiences:

  • “I’m really enjoying the training and am noticing beautiful physical and energetic changes.”

  • “My life has changed gear and I have opened up my mind and my heart with the practice.  Most important is my awareness of this and how it has given me the capacity to change my daily life – health and well-being.  I have a level of control now that I never had before.”

  • “I have improved my mental and emotional level, I don’t get stuck in worrying as I used to. After have done Qigong training, I feel more joy and relaxed.”

  • “Since joining the program I have significantly more daily energy when I used to be very exhausted and fatigued.”


What you can expect:

  • Understand and apply the power of intention to shape your perfect life
  • Explore the power of your consciousness to shift, transform, create and evolve towards the life you love
  • Nourish positive polarity no matter the circumstances and challenges
  • Be relaxed like a Buddha!
  • Your upright mind-set is like a light-house to cultivate an open heart and mind, enjoying the present moment in abundance


Focus and Content:

  • Overview of the conscious principles of successful people
    1. The principle of intention
    2. The principle of living your life congruent with who you are
    3. The principle of the ability to respond (responsibility)
    4. The principle of transformation
    5. The principle of “what is, is”
    6. The principle of firm confidence
    7. The principle of joy and personal freedom
    8. The principle of igniting the inner wisdom and healer from within
  • The essence power of Zhineng Qigong – subjective and objective aspects


We will share these powerful practice methods with you, which you can choose to incorporate in your own daily practice routine:

Qi is abundant, plentiful and unobstructed

  1. Qi Core Improvement Method – the 15-minute power program which uplifts you in an instant and provides the right mind-set and energy for a successful day
  2. Three Dantian Meditation – igniting genuine Qi by harmonizing your three energy centers: the mental, emotional and physical power center you have inside your body
  3. La Qi with the inner Column of genuine Qi – create balance and harmony with your inner life force exchanging and transforming with nature’s Qi

Nourish a positive mind-set, open your heart and mind for the power of your true heart’s intention and the present moment

  1. The transformation power of Hun Yuan Ling Tong (Chanting) – transform a negative state into positive polarity – whenever needed
  2. Chanting the Sound of Joy – successful people using their consciousness to ignite joy throughout the day – this practice method supports you achieving it with ease
  3. Open the Wisdom Method – awakening the inner healer from within




You will receive your full schedule upon registration

Online theory & practice sessions on Fridays & Saturdays

All Fridays:  17h00 – 19h00 (CEST / Berlin-Amsterdam-Paris Time Zone)  /  11h00 – 13h00 New York Time Zone

April 16 and 23

All Saturdays:  15h00 – 18h00 (CEST / Berlin-Amsterdam-Paris Time Zone)  /  09h00 – 12h00 New York Time Zone

April 17 and 24

Plus optional practice sessions on Mondays and Wednesdays:

All Mondays: 17h00 – 19h (CEST / Berlin-Amsterdam-Paris Time Zone)  /  11h00 – 13h00 New York Time Zone

April 19 and 26

All Wednesdays: 17h00 – 19h (CEST / Berlin-Amsterdam-Paris Time Zone)  /  11h00 – 13h New York Time Zone

April 21 and 28

Link to a time zone converter

Total hours: 18 hrs


Investment in your Health and Well-being:

210 Euro

Participation Fee includes:

  • Live Theory and Practice Sessions on Fridays and Saturdays online via Zoom
  • Practice Sessions on Mondays and Wednesdays
  • Informative E-Book: “The conscious principles of successful people”
  • If you miss any of the scheduled sessions, we will provide with you the essentials of presentations and practices. Please note, that this might take some time before we are able to share them with you

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